How Can Essential Oils Add to Your Massage Experience?

Natural essetial oils add benefit to massageThe many benefits of massage are very well documented with a lot of scientific evidence to back them up. However, a therapist using essential oils during your massage can add even more benefits to your treatment. Just ask and we will happily incorporate essential oils into your treatment today. In this article I will be looking at the science behind these wonderful aromatic oils in some detail. I start by looking at how essential oils can add an additional layer of benefits. Next, we look at how your relaxation and also your immune system can be boosted by using lavender, tee-tree and peppermint essential oils. Lastly, we look at the evidence for ginger essential oil being used as against inflammation. Essential oil use during a massage can be a great way for you to get even more out a your treatment. Book today on 07979 814388

Add Another Level to an Already Wonderful Experience.

The application of essential oils in the context of relaxing, soothing massage therapy can help treatment transcend physical touch. The more senses you can bring into a treatment the more you can get out of it. The wonderful aromas you experience have the added benefit of you being able to take them away with you. The aroma on your skin will be there for a time after treatment and so adds to the positive aftereffect. Not only that but, when skilfully integrated into massage practices by a professional, essential oils can penetrate the skin’s layers, entering the bloodstream to initiate their therapeutic actions from within. This can not only enhance the body’s immune functionality but, can also help any underlying instances of inflammation. This can add to the state of holistic wellbeing you can get from a treatment here.

Wonderful Relaxing Aromatics and Absorption for Your Benefit

lavander essentail oil helps you relax
Lavender fields along your path to positive well-being

Essential oils can wield a positive influence on the body’s immune system and immune response. In fact, according to Higgins S et al (2020) lavender essential oil, which is a well-known relaxing aromatic, can be an aid to wound healing. As you are treated with them, the aromas fill the air relaxing you and further benefits are received as the skin absorbs small amounts of the beneficial compounds they are made of. This is not just the case with lavender essential oil but, many other types as well as detailed below.

Teatree Oil and Peppermint Oil Benefits

Other studies mark them as helpful allies in supporting health and fighting inflammation. Among these aromatic compounds, some are very well known in old wife’s tales but, are now starting to be supported by science. Oils such as tea tree oil and peppermint are distinguished for their antimicrobial according to Cox S et al (2000), pain relieving and even and anti-fungal prowess according to Reddy G et al (2019). These oils and others, armed with their potent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral characteristics, can serve as a vanguard against pathogens, offering a strong, natural layer of protection which can bolster your body’s own defences. In fact, I once had a doctor recommend rubbing diluted tea tree oil on a fungal infection and it worked really well. 

Evidence for Ginger Against Inflammation

Bottle of essential oil with natural ingredientsDelving further into the realm of inflammation is complex. This can be seen plainly when Martins de Lavor E et al (2018) tells us essential oils can contain over 300 different compounds. However specific extracts can have a marked effect on inflammation according to Cerda B (2022). Ginger essential oil emerges as a strong contender against inflammatory ailments like arthritis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and even psoriasis. These studies say that essential oils generally and their compounds have good potential for treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions. This evidence is not just anecdotal but, now supported by a detailed scientific understanding of the bioactive compounds concerned. Ginger, with its gingerols, also offers a warming effect on the skin that stimulates blood circulation, further facilitating the mitigation of inflammation and the promotion of bodily recovery.

Essential Oils are a Splendid Compliment for You to Enjoy Here

In the elegant dance of health and wellbeing maintenance, essential oils offer you a wonderful, harmonious complement to traditional massage. Their integration into your treatment offers a profound respect for the body’s natural healing capabilities and a possible boost to the same. Harnessing the power of aromatic plant extracts can support and strengthen the immune system while actively countering inflammation. This approach embodies a strong, preventative strategy. The main emphasis is placed on nurturing your bodies resilience and optimal health through the wise use of nature’s own remedies. Book your treatment today! Text or call 07979 814388


Reddy G et al (2019) Chemical constituents, in vitro antibacterial and antifungal activity of Mentha × Piperita L. (peppermint) essential oils

Cox S et al (2000) The mode of antimicrobial action of the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree oil)

NCCIH (2020) Peppermint Oil

Higgins S et al (2020) The Effects of Lavender Essential Oil on Wound Healing: A Review of the Current Evidence

Martins de Lavor E et al (2018) Essential Oils and Their Major Compounds in the Treatment of Chronic Inflammation: A Review of Antioxidant Potential in Preclinical Studies and Molecular Mechanisms

Cerda B (2022) Effect of Ginger on Inflammatory Diseases

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